“No matter how big or small your organisation is, if your business environment does not compliment the individual personalities of your people, your business will struggle to shine.”
How to Get the Best and Give Your Best in the Workplace
Fusce quam risus, facilisis et molestie non, feugiat in tortor. Duis volutpat, mi id cursus rhoncus, purus augue aliquam arcu! Sed lacinia tempor orci, non lacinia purus faucibus non. Aliquam gravida risus nec velit lacinia dapibus. Phasellus at magna id elit tristique lacinia. Integer a justo vitae arcu fermentum consequat:

1. Create Aligned Goals
2. Respect Individual Personalities
It can be both frustrating and stimulating having differing personalities to engage with each day, but let’s face it, if we were all made from the same mould, work life would be boring. There is value in each staff member bringing a unique perspective and personality to your organisation’s projects, products and services. There are a wide range of personality tools like the Enneagram, DiSC, MBTI, Six Thinking Hats, and Simple Symbol to help decide who to hire and how to get the best from each person you hire. These tools also help alert business leaders to red flag situations when staff may be struggling and how best to navigate your organisation’s ship before it starts sinking. Be courageous and generous in the way you get your best from your team instead of restricting them to fit into a mould they may just not be suited to.